1Assistant lecturer of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Assuit University, Egypt.
2Professors of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Assuit University, Egypt.
3Assist. Professors of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Assuit University, Egypt.
Background: Conflict is the consequence of real or perceived differences in mutually exclusive goals, values, ideas, attitudes, beliefs, feelings, and actions. Aims: Assess of head nurses' knowledge about conflict management strategies, mediation and negotiation styles of conflict resolution. Study subject: It was included all head nurses working at the Main Assiut University Hospital (n=113). Study tools: included four tools to assess the studied head nurses' knowledge, such as personal characteristics tool, conflict management questionnaire tool, mediation style tool, and negotiation style tool. Results: the highest percentage of studied head nurses had low knowledge of all items of conflict management content and mediation & negotiation strategies. Conclusion: The majority of studied head nurses had low knowledge with regard to conflict management content, conflict resolution strategies and mediation & negotiation styles. Recommendation: Designing and implementing an educational program about mediation and negotiation styles of conflict resolution and providing courses about conflict management should be provided periodically, to help head nurses acquainted with the new knowledge.